Published Oct 11, 2023
Just a Bit Outside: Sark has heard it all before
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Travis Galey  •  Orangebloods Columnist

“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary…”

No, I was not visited by a raven, but I have been definitely pondering about this year’s Texas Longhorn football team and I am weary after the loss in Dallas last Saturday.

The one thing that keeps coming back to my mind is a quote from the head coach, Steve Sarkisian following the win over Alabama … but I think is just as applicable after the loss to OU.

“That one game isn’t going to define our season,” Sarkisian said. “Championship teams continue to improve as the season goes on, and we’ve got goals and aspirations of being champions this year.”

I keep thinking about this quote and I keep wondering; is Texas improving as the season goes on and are they a championship team? The truth is, I don’t know the answer to either question (hence the weariness).

There are some obvious, glaring problems with this team. Problems that weren’t just exposed in Dallas but have been around all year (and have not gotten better). Specifically, the red zone offense.
